Prospect Harbor Soap Co. products can be found in fine gift stores, garden shops, neighborhood convenience stores and many online stores. Our products are developed to support the needs of our customers. We know our buyers personally and they have been influential in building our business. We also have an Etsy store and have many products on Amazon.
Our Factory/Retail Store
Our factory and retail store is open from April - December. Please stop by and see us at 4 Duck Pond Rd, Winter Harbor ME. We're at the entrance to the Schoodic Area of Acadia National Park. Shop hours become more erratic when the ice cream shop in town opens. When the little red car is in the parking lot and the flag is flying, we're open. Our "greeter" is a peke-a-poo named Ollie who is living proof that rescue dogs are wonderful. The shop has all of our traditional products, some of our strange experiments and fabulous gifts.
Retail Stores
Acadia Shops-Bar Harbor, ME
Bath Natural Market-Bath , ME
Huckleberries Cards and Gifts-Bucksport, ME
Jordan Pond House, Acadia National Park-Bar Harbor , ME
Just By Hand-Jekyll Island, GA
Kelco Gift Shop-Milbridge, ME
LisAnn's-New London, NH
Maine Line Products-Greenwood , ME
Rayes Mustard-Eastport, ME
Rebecca's-Bangor, ME
The Mill-E Madison, NH
Winter Harbor 5 & 10-Winter Harbor , ME